好書推薦-Research on the Ekottarika-āgama (Taishō 125)





This volume contains the proceedings of a workshop on the Chinese translation of the Ekottarika-āgama, the Zengyi ahan jing (增壹阿含經), Taishō no. 125, held at Dharma Drum Buddhist College in April 2012. The papers included focus on different aspects of the translation of this early Buddhist canonical collection: its school affiliation; the relationship of its textual materials to Indian Mahāsāṃghika and Mahāyāna milieux; the incorporation of late elements in the course of revisions or additions effected in China; collaborative quantitative text analysis and authorship attribution applied to verify the philological hypothesis of later additions to the collection; structural aspects that can be reconstructed on the basis of its summary stanzas and of scriptural quotations in other works.


Bhikkhu Anālayo

  University of Hamburg, Germany

  Dharma Drum Buddhist College (法鼓佛教學院), Taiwan

Satoshi Hiraoka (平岡 聡)

  Kyōto Bunkyō University (京都文教大学), Japan

Jenjou Hung (洪振洲)

  Dharma Drum Buddhist College (法鼓佛教學院), Taiwan

Tsefu Kuan (關則富)

  Yuan Ze University (元智大學), Taiwan

Ken Su(蘇錦坤)

  Hsinchu City (新竹市), Taiwan




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